The last few months have been crazy, but at the same time blessed. As most know that have read my previous blogs Doug was laid off in January. As a result of that (because insurance was going to laps) I had major surgery to fix an issue that was preventing me to eat for the last seven years. My surgery was scheduled for the same day as Jada's birthday. I felt so bad, but I had no choice. Between Doug not working, and me being laid up in bed our lives have been less than normal. Doug took on the role of full time cook, clean, educator, nurse maid ect...
When you have a house full of little mouths your first concern is always making sure belly's are full. Second you worry about keeping a roof over their heads, heat in the house and all the other expenses of having a family that fall under that. Through this time God has been faithful to his word. Phil 4:19 "And my God will meet all your needs according to is glorious riches in Christ Jesus". I can't tell you how may times we didn't know where money for bills would come from, but somehow it was there. Our freezer and cupboards have been full, sometimes overflowing. Even the small things you think are small, God has taken care of. My boys were given hair cuts at an affordable price, two ladies from the church came and cleaned my kitchen, and straightened my living room. When I was in the hospital Doug would not leave my side, not even to eat. Someone we didn't even know brought Doug a hot meal and snacks to get him though the rest of the day. God has shown us time and time again He has not forgotten us.
So what is the motion of mercy? It's keeping the cycle going that has been started. The mercy that has been given to show to someone else. So how do you do that when you don't have much money to give? So many people think that a blessing needs to come though money, while sometimes that's true, money is not the only way to give. I've been blessed with talents God has given my hands. Recently I started painting on canvas, and finding I'm...not great, but not bad either. I've given some of these as gifts. While this is not the way I'm use to giving, and maybe it's not as big of a blessing as what I have received, I pray it still blesses someone. There are so many other ways you can give. Check in on an elderly neighbor, offer to babysit for a busy mom, take a turn in your churches nursery, take someone sick a meal....the list goes on. This keeps mercy in motion.
This brings us to the last 24 hours. I promised Jada a special day since my surgery was on her birthday. When I found out that Francescia Battistelli was coming to our area I knew this would make up for her birthday. Jada listens mostly to three artists, Franny being her first choice every time. I learned they were selling VIP tickets and went online and bought them right away. Francescia has been such a blessing by being a Godly role model for my daughter, I had to do something special for her. We took a gift bag for her with us to the concert last night. Without all the minor details of what was in the gift bag, the one thing we gave her was one of my paintings. Jada was so shy she couldn't give it to her, then asked her if we could get a picture with her. Jada's dream of meeting someone she looks up to came to pass. We took our seats and were enjoying the concert. During intermission a man came up to us and handed us a bag with all kind of Franny goodies were in it. Blessed again, there were shirts, and wrist bands all kind of goodies that I couldn't afford to buy Jada, They all had been given to her. What I thought was a little thing (giving a painting and other little goodies) came back as a HUGE blessing I wasn't expecting. Little is much when God is in it. When we got home we found that Francescia had liked the painting so much she tweeted about it.
Next time you're thinking about doing something for someone, but maybe you think it's small and unimportant, let me encourage you to do it. You may find that keeping mercy in motion may not only end up blessing them, but it might bless you too.